Tuesday, April 19, 2011

September Plogs

There are never too many obstacles that will get in your way if you believe in yourself and know you can do anything to prevent that bump in the road.

I love Shrek. Life is like an onion. Each year you grow a little older and a little more mature. Each year you're changing and becoming a better person, whether that is your intention or not.
Life is what you make it. You're the one that controls it and you're the one that only knows what's best. No one can tell you what to do and no one can choose your life's path for you.
Each year, we have a different dream. Each year we dream for something better. Sometimes our old dreams become reality. 
You only see what you want to see. What others see is different and cannot understand or see what you see. That's just the way life was intended. We all have a different view on things in life.
We have to not be afraid to make mistakes. We have to know that mistakes are what makes us who we are. You haven't lived life if you haven't made a few mistakes along the way.
We're all dreamers. We all want something out of life. Some people choose the right path. Some choose the wrong path. Those life doesn't always end up the way you want it to, eventually it'll be something great.
This was the first question my Microeconomics professor asked on the first day of class. How much are you willing to receive an A? I wrote down 2000 because that's pretty much what I'm paying and I better get a good grade. 
Every school year, this is the first thing someone always tell me. Life isn't fair. Thus we can't expect it to be easy. We have to work for what we want.
The world we created is the world we saw through our own eyes. Some people see a perfect world of love. Some people see the world of an imperfect place. I see the world as it is, and I truly love it as it is.
9/11 It had been nine years already. Many lost and a day we cannot forget. I remember that day. I didn't hear about it until I got to school, and it was what everyone was talking about. We had a free day where we got to do whatever we wanted, well not really. Just either talk about the event or go and see the event on the news for ourselves. It was a crazy day for all Americans.
You can't expect much from life. You can't expect everything to turn out the way you want it to sometimes. But sometimes, if you wait long enough, you'll see that you've at least put some kind of effort into changing something.
I always thought it was funny how people say, "you are the light that guide my way." To me, it's just something silly. But i can't understand it, a little. I mean, we have to be the motivation and encouragement for someone to keep moving forward.
In life, you have to a least failed once, no matter what it is. You have to be able to make a mistake without feeling guilty about it in the end.
You must create the way you see yourself in order to find yourself. Sometimes we search too hard, and we don't find anything. In that case, we must create what we want to see.
"3.14.10: Sometimes fate brings the wrong people together for all the right reasons, yet nothing turns out right in the end"
The people that are a part of our lives have gone through more (or less) than we have. They've given us the strength to keep moving forwards and they are the reason we are where we are. They criticize us, they console us, they make us laugh and they make us cry.
To love is to know pain... Love is just another fancy word for trust, i guess. haha
There are things in our life that have made us laugh and cry. Those things become the things that we can't forget. We can't regret those kinds of moments.
It's not the things around us that changes, it's the kind of person that we are that changes. It's the change we make for ourselves and for others
Mistakes are meant to be made. Mistakes can be made a few times, but never to many times. But never forget, a new mistakes is a new understanding to make a different mistake.
I'm sure we've all had had our breaths taken away many times. It's always for some kind of crazy or non-crazy reason.
Is it all worth it? Of course.
This is part of my life motto, I've been living by for the last decade of my life. Whatever happens, happens. Everything happens for a reason. I still stand true to it.
What you do today, becomes tomorrow's yesterday and yesterday's Today. Make sense?
It's okay to shed a tear every once in a while. Life is hard and everyone has a horrible day every now and then.
The things around us don't matter as much as those who have been there all our lives. They know us best and they know what we want to hear.
Sometimes, it's that person that makes life a little better. To me, it's my family that makes life a little better each day and worth living, I'm sure of it.
We're all fighting our own battles, but we shouldn't compare our battles with others. 
You have to have the patience to make it to the end.
To my crazy best friend who's been there for me for almost 13 years now. Every year we both try to look back and wonder how we've become good friends and stuck by each other's side this long. I'm not even sure myself. we've both had our ups and down in our relationship, but I think that life was just making us realize that we can't live without each other. Even though I barely spend time with her, our conversations seems to never end. There's always something to talk about, for some odd reason. I hate that I use to resent her, but now, I'm glad she's part of my life and still is. I just hope she feels the same way.

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