Friday, April 1, 2011

May Plogs

No matter what, everyday is a new adventure. One we’ll never know what will happen in the end. One we’ll never know how it began when we tell the story. Everyday, this adventure will become ours and no one else’s. The day we stop seeking a knew adventure will be the day we no longer exist, because our stories cannot be retold or experience the same way we had experience it and told it.

Things we do, will be remembered by the people around us. Sometimes we don’t know if we’ll be remembered for the good or for the bad, or even maybe both. For me, I want to be remembered for all the wrong I’ve done. People know me as a person who never says no. A person who wears her heart on her sleeves too much. A person who will never make you think twice. A person who will never make you the bad person. A person who takes blame for all she’s probably never done. It’s my nature, I suppose.
You can’t say you’ve never been curious in your life before. As kids, we’ve been curious about everything, questioning everything an wanting to know everything. We explore our lives through our curiosity because we want to know what will really happen without having to just sit here thinking about it. Now that we’ve grown, we can live out through our own curiosity because it’s time we take matters into our own hands.
We dream, hoping to see our dreams come to life. We dream because we have goals we all want to accomplish. We want to do everything on our own and make sure we set out our dream just the way we’ve always imagined it. We want to make it the way we always planned it to happen. That’s how we want it all to happen. Sometimes we don’t see what happens in the middle, but sometimes, in the end, as long as we get our dream come true, all that matters is that the lessons we’ve learned will always be there for the one following behind us.
I love that the world isn’t perfect. That the world isn’t flat and that the world is round. I love that no matter what there is discrimination and there is racism. I love it that women can have power over men. I love that we can walk anywhere and be mistreated. I love that there is wars. I love that there is hate and that no matter what someone always loses at the end. I love it all. I love that I’m not perfect. I love that I’m this way. I’d probably hate to live in a world of perfection, though I am a perfectionist sometimes. I love that I can be wrong and sometimes never right.
We are taught to walk for a reason. We are taught how to speak. We are taught to speak for ourselves. We are taught to walk on our own two feet. We are taught all this, but sometimes, we can’t live in our shoes, but our feet is what must step into the shoes. I guess it’s like saying, we must learn to live in this world on our own before we get screwed up in someone else’s.
(KimHeechul) We want to do so much in the world that sometimes we go to the end of the world to get everything just the way we want it. Sometimes we forget about the people around us and only look forward. Some people praise us, some people don’t understand our passion, and some people just don’t give a damn.
I was thinking about all the times I’ve babysat my niece, nephew and cousins. I forget how fast the years can go by. You were playing with them one minute, and the next they are off graduating high school and entering college. Later, they’ll be off getting married and having a life of their own. I hate it, but I love it at the same time. We’re all meant to grow up and start our own lives.
It was Mother’s Day and every year, after finishing up my finals for college, I always look forward to going home and seeing my mother for Mother’s Day. Except this year, mother’s day came earlier than I expected and I hated it. Even though we don’t do much for the day, I love spending every moment with her. I love bickering with her and I love sitting in the car with her, even though she hates that I don’t talk.
This is a question that tends to be on my mind randomly. Sometimes I feel that I’m thinking too far ahead. Sometimes I’m not thinking about the future, but yet the past. Sometimes I’m not sure what I am thinking about. I hate that it’s like that, but sometimes that’s just the way it is. What the future holds, I guess I’ll have to just wait and see.
We have to ask all the question we’re meant to ask. No matter how stupid the question may be, it might be the most important question we ask. Sometimes we might ask a question we already know the answer to, it’s just that we need reassuring. Of course, there is no such thing as a stupid question.
I do get tired of living the life that I am living sometimes. Sometimes I want to rewind back to when I was a kid, where nothing matter. Sometimes I want to fast forward in life and just see what will happen. I guess it’ll be asking for too much to want to live it all again or even see if it’s worth living. There is that question someone is always asked, “If you were given the chance to go back in time, would you?” I would love to. Sure I may be fiddling with my future, sure maybe things won’t be the same as it is right now, but it doesn’t matter to me. I’d give anything to go back in time and change so much. I might be a fool, but I’m sure there are many people who would do the same.
We don’t know it, but we’re living for a reason. We live for the people that are around us. Sometimes they might stress us and make us do stupid things, but no matter what, at the end of the day, you love it when they are there with you. There isn’t anything better than your family and friends by your side knowing that there isn’t anything wrong with that. They are the one that knows you best and the one who’s taught you how to be you.
(SeoInYoung) No matter how many times we write it down it’s no pain to us but, when we tell someone or even speak of it, we feel a stab right into out heart. They say that sometimes things are better left unsaid. I say, sometimes things are better said because it helps you get over things faster. But it’s just my point in view.
I’m a person who sometimes never take the first step. I’ve probably never walked out on anyone before in my entire life. I’ve thought and dreamed of it, but I’ve never done it before. Thus, I am the fool. Sometimes we have to take actions into our own hands and do it. Though I don’t know when I’ll get a chance, I’ll be sure to make the first step because it’s tiring watching someone walk out on me as I stand there like a fool, thinking it’s all a lie when it isn’t.
There is a kid in each of us. We can never forget the things we are taught when we grow up. We sometimes have to look back on how our lives are and then we have to see to the future and see how different our kids are going to live. But sometimes, the kid in us understands the kids of today, sometimes.
Truly, I’ve never been love before. I have thought that I was but I was of course, only fooled by love. I’m not a big believe in love, but sometimes, the love of my family and friends, really show me a different side of love. So in other words, I’ve probably sacrificed a lot for my family’s happiness and well being.
We have to be willing to put up with a lot of things to see the change in the world. Sometimes we have to sacrifice a lot just to see the change we want to see even though it doesn’t seem important you but to someone else, or vice versa.
I wrote this to a sweet friend of mind. She’s obsess with the movie “The Notebook” and this was the first thing that came to mind when she asked the question. I really wished I knew what it was, but I won’t work too hard at it. But I remember telling her something along these lines. Truthfully, I’d love it if someone could say these words to me, because it’ll be a great pick-me-up.
Sometimes finding a reason isn’t as easy as one would wish. Sometimes it’s the hardest thing to do. I’m always finding a reason. Finding my reason. I just can’t ever seem to find it. I feel like I’m always giving up on myself when I can’t find a reason. And to tell the truth, I’ve probably given up on myself more than the reasons I’ve already found. Yet, there are just so many reasons, so little time to find them all.
The first time I heard this, was probably in the first grade. Truthfully, I didn’t even understand it then, neither do I really understand it now. I do know the meaning behind this saying, but sometimes I just don’t know what to think. I feel like I’m being fooled sometimes into thinking that I should lie yet I shouldn’t even think about judging someone. But I tell everyone, I’m quick to judge, but that doesn’t make me a hypocrite because I’m saying, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”. I’m just saying, I’m a person who judge easy even before I get to know the person. I know I’m at fault and I take all the blame after getting to know someone.
A man to a woman is one who isn’t afraid to see her cry and will always be there to wipe away her tears, no matter how much problems you’ve had together. A woman to a man is one who isn’t going to stop him from seeing his friends and letting him have a good time no matter how many days less you might see him.
We can’t always dwell in the past. Because what has already happened, happened. Sometimes things are meant to happen the way it happened. Sometimes, we just don’t see it coming. I guess we’ve all heard these before. But sometimes we have to see what’s in store for us in the future. Sometimes we have to know that sometimes the future is there for a reason, to make things better. We must change today to make tomorrow a better day.
We must take all the chances, challenges and all the risks that are handed to us. Thus at the same time, finding the right opportunity for it all to happen. Combine the two and you have a whole new life ahead of you. Sometimes we just have to to that the risk and chance to finding that great opportunity we’ve always been looking for all these years, but been too coward to even look for it.
We are lucky to be given the chance to live and to experience everything that we are right now. Some people don’t even get the same opportunity as we do, some probably don’t even get the opportunity at all. Sure sometimes I rather trade my life for someone I feel deserves to live, but sometimes I can handle all the pain. This is my greatest gift and that’s the gift of life. I might take it for granted but sometimes it’s just there to teach me.
I have no idea where this came from. Even tried Googling hoping I’d get an answer out of it. This saying was stuck in my head for a whole week straight and it was bothering me. I swore I’ve heard it before somewhere, I’m for sure. Even now it’s bothering me. I’m not sure where it’s from, but sometimes, it makes me think. What does this really mean to me? What does this mean to other people? For me, I think it means, going back to when we had no worries, where the we thought the world revolved around the two of us, and so forth. Crazy, but it might be true.
They say it’s better to be late then never. They say it’s never too late to turn back. For me, I feel it’s never too late to tell the truth. Sure the truth hurts, but it’s meant to hurt. The truth is better than a lie and sometimes it’s better to know the truth than be protected by a lie. Sometimes we learn it the hard way.
In life, we find excuses for everything. Sometimes for the most ridiculous thing ever. Sometimes people complain too much and sometimes some people just don’t know when to stop complaining. Then there are those times, when I just want to tell everyone to shut up and just to do what’s right. But what can I do when we’re all mixed in the crowd who makes excuses and complains about everything?
Sometimes, you have to do something for the first time just to see how it is like. Like trying a new food, experiencing something different, or even meeting someone knew. Sometimes it’s for the best and sometimes things turn out better than you expected them to, and that’s exactly what is suppose to happen.
For me, I’ve always lived by my own rules and made sure no one got in the way. I built a wall around me and didn’t let anyone pass through. I couldn’t bare to let everyone see how depress in life I was getting and how devastating I was feeling. I didn’t let anyone pass and I didn’t even try to get through. I wore a mask and pretended to be someone else. I wore a mask and didn’t let anyone see how I was really feeling. Even though I hated it, I kept living that way. I’ve broken the wall on my own, but I still have it difficult to let anyone walk into my life. Some have tried and failed. Some are still trying. I guess until then, I’ll probably still think I’m living in some crazy maze.
We must know that sometimes we have to put up with some crazy things, but in the end, we know we’ll get something worth living for. Sometimes we can’t wait and wished it just end, but in the end, do we get what we want? Sometimes we don’t. Life’s crazy but sometimes we just have to see how it turns out.

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