Friday, April 1, 2011

June Plogs

The greatest gift if the gift that is being given to you. We are our greatest gifts but I’m definitely sure that we all have things that mean a lot more to as well. I forget the meaning behind this one really? Oh yeah, god’s gift to me is my little munchkin, who happens to be my little monster, who is after all my nephew. He’s kind of the little sunshine in my life. A true monster he is.
Another great gift would be my family. My family is my biggest support group. They are my motivations. My encouragement. They do me wonders. They know what can hurt me and they know what can cheer me up. Truthfully, my family probably the greatest thing that has happened to me. Sometimes, I think that without my family, I wouldn’t have a great life to look forward to. They bring me down at the wrong times. They bring me up when I need cheering up. What life without some sort of family?
We must be able to see what we can do with our lives. We must see the potential we have. We must know the things that we are able to do. We must show what are capable of doing without the use of others. We must show the world that we have the potential to do things on our own without having someone watch over our shoulders constantly, which I’m sure many don’t like. With our potential, we can see what are able to do, with our own eyes.
I really do spend most of my days wondering the “what ifs…” Especially when I don’t talk to myself for a very long time. In other words, I like talking to myself, well more like think-talk to myself. I start asking myself what if this was like this instead it like that. Or else it sometimes get more serious. I don’t know why I question myself so much, more than I should, anyways. But you can’t do anything when there are so many questions.
Every morning, we think about the same thing, or at least some people do. Even before we go to bed, we think of one particular thing or person before we go to sleep. Sometimes its this thing or person that brightens our day or sooths us to sleep. I kind of wished I had a thing to think of every morning or before I go to sleep. I mean, it’s kind of fun, going to sleep with the most random thought ever or waking up to the most random thing on my mind.
There are many things that are always on my mind. There is always some kind of question flowing my mind. I always have some kind of random songs playing in my head, that I somehow always hum to at the end. Sometimes there are just the most random thoughts that really flow my minds. Sometimes, with a lot of thinking, I start stressing over. Sometimes I just have matters that I’m unsure of what to do about. Sometimes, I really wonder what my thoughts are all about. I think that if there were only one paper left per person in the world, I might just end up saving mines, or writing the things that on my mind, filling up every possible space.
Patience (noun) 1. the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of oftemper, irritation, or the like. It’s really interesting what patiences is meant to be tested for. I’m a really impatient person. Thought at times I can sit still and be quiet for a long time, sometimes it’s just bothersome and irritating. I’ve once become irritated from being bored. I’m sure if it’s actually possible.
(Haruki Murakami) This quote was given for an online writing thing that I never got to. It took me a lot to try to get inspired by these words. These words are extremely true, but sometimes, its hard trying to figure out what to write about it. I’ve had people passed away during my life time, but it was impossible for me to not think of something they’ve given to my family. Its definitely something we hate experience, but sometimes after their deaths,we start to see the importance they’ve had on us and the people around us.
I’ve once stopped believing in everything. I don’t know exactly why, but I guess it was just one of those day where nothing seems to be going right and all you can do is just sit there and just wait for it to end. I mean, you can either make it even worse than it already is or you can do something about it and change it, or you can be like the many people and just sit back and just wait for it all to end and wait for tomorrow’s new beginning.
Was in the mood of happy times. Wished I had someone to sit next to me and having a good times, but glad that I don’t because life is great just the way it’s always been. I guess with this, when we are with someone that we love and want to spend the rest of our lives with, we want to show the world what kind of love that was shared. We want to show the different ways love can come in. Some people go through hardships, some learn on the way, some may fight day and night but know how to meet halfway, and some just express it differently.
I once lived day to day thinking that everything was meant to be perfect. My friendships, my family, my life, and everything around me. I wanted thenormal perfect life. One they lived through the movies. That was perfect to me, and I’m sure many wanted just that as well. Learning it the hard way, nothing in the world is perfect. Thus later in life, I learned that I prefer to live in the world of imperfection.
I’m someone who likes to do things on her own. I hate depending on people and I hate having to wait on their signal. I hated being weighted down by pointlessadvice. I hated waiting on people’s word. I always told myself that my only way out was to do it on my own. I’m a very independent individual who wants things done the way I want it to, thus that is why I tend to do it all on my own. But sometimes, I can’t just do it on my own and something I really do need someone there to help me. I hate asking for help, but sometimes, if it is necessary I will build courage to ask.
I was actually thinking of a good buddy of mines when I wrote this. But then I kind of thought of myself too. It was that little crush that I had back in the day. Where I thought that everything we’ve had together was something I wanted to remember and that it was all real. After finally getting over the mishap, I finally realized that I have fooled myself. I thought that it was how it was suppose to be but in the end, I was only hurt. To me it something was make-believe, but more like some kind of crazy fairy tale, one which I had probably written in the back of my head.
I remember being told, don’t forget this, don’t forget that; but in the end you forget it, eventually you get yelled at and you have to go and do it, no matter how late it really is. Life teaches us the lesson to never forget. Yet, they always saying, forgive and forget… I know it might be something completely different, but shouldn’t we remember the reason why we forgave? But most importantly, we can’t forget who has always been for us, things we are taught, and life lessons we’re meant to teach the next generation.
We must believe in ourselves in order for life to keep moving forwards. There isn’t anyone else’s belief that we are going to need besides ourselves. If we stop believings, we’re practically saying we don’t believing in ourselves. We’re saying that we are no more use to the world and every breath we take is a waste. The way we are is the way we want ourselves to be. We are the person we are today, is because of all the things we believed that we can do without having someone else there to believe in us.
How does one even know what love really is, if they have never experience such things? How can we understand the love of someone else when we’ve never been there? It’s true what they say, you must first experience it to understand it. I’m still young, at least in my mind, not my mom’s, but there are plenty of fish in the sea and sooner or later, I’ll experience it all. I’ll love it and I’ll hate it. I think that’s what it’s like.
Love can be like mashed up songs. A million songs that can somehow explain the way how one feels about another. I think that’s why there are people who make mix up disc and give it to their loved ones. They write them songs. Truthfully, a song can really express how one feels about another. I hate trying to compare my life to a song, but sometimes it’s the song that really knows how to make you happy and make your day just a little better.
I use to always say to myself, think of the things that you need and not the things you want. But sometimes, the things that you want, somehow always ends up being something that you need. I might want a better life, but sometimes a better life is something that I do need. It’s just an example. Sure I might need a better life, but I like life the way it is right now. But back to the plog… Sometimes the things we need so much, become unnecessary and somehow becomes the things that we just simple want, but express it as things we need.
As kids, we can’t wait to grow up and be able to do all the great grown up things. As an adult, we wished we could turn back time and have a good childhood again. Thus, we were always told,  enjoy being a kid when you still can. I was probably one that never wanted to grow up. I wanted to stay a kid forever. I wanted to be the kid who had no responsibilities and had no worries. To tell you the truth, the first time i heard and learned the word responsibilities, I was terrified to grow up. But I’m glad I grew up, and an adult.
In life, at first we are always shown the way. We were always there right next to someone who was always holding our hands and showing us the way. In the end, we are there at the beginning with someone, holding our hands, but in the end, they aren’t there anymore. It’s like riding a bike, first they teach us how to ride, hold onto our seat and say they’ll never let go, but for some reason they always let go. It’s like them saying, you can do it on your own now. But in the end, we’ll be there standing at the beginning by ourselves and finishing the journey on our own. Later, we’ll be there holding someone’s hand and showing them the way.
They always say, it’s better to be told the truth that to be lied to. They also said the truth hurts. Then there are people who says, it’s better to tell a lie to make them happy, than than to tell them the truth and hurt them. Thus, you don’t want to hurt them so you tell them something that they want to hear in hopes that they’ll learn. I’ve been lied to. I’ve been told the truth to. We’ve all experienced it and we’re going to keep going to experience it. Those that have not will soon. Sometimes a lie is better, but sometimes it’s the way to go.
We all had that someone who comes into our lives and becomes our best friend. Learning everything about us and telling us that they’ll always be there for us no matter what. Then next thing you know, they stab you in the back and leave to there like trash. For me, it’s the little voice inside my head that does that. It comes back and forth a lot, and leaves like the wind. It burdens me, but the voice inside my head kind of keeps me sane.
In life we are cheated. In life we are lied to. In life we see a different side when we’re with the right people.Take my hand and I’ll show you the world, indicates that one is willing to see the world from a different perspective. To see the world from another point of view. Take my heart and I’ll show you what love is, I wish I knew what love is, but it’s like saying; if you take my heart, you are willing to experience a different kind of love. It may be your first. It may be your second, but you know it’ll be different. It may be your last, and you’ll see a change. Take my life but don’t look back, kind says, you’re now a part of my life, don’t go off and stab me in the back. Kind of like, what you see is what you get.
I was once asked this question, or else I was the one who asked myself. Well, either way, I’ve asked myself this question and I’ve been asked this question. Is happiness what we are all searching for? For me, I somehow always thought it was something that I’ve been looking for. I mean, I’ve found it, probably, one too many times but it really does give you a good feeling, but every time I found it, it’s always something different. But now that I think about it, happiness isn’t all about life, it’s one part, and there is so much more to look forward to.
We’re always giving our parents a hard time. We’ve made them cry. We’ve hurt them. We’ve pained them. We’ve rebelled against them. We’ve done so much wrong to our parents, we can’t even see it until we’ve experienced it. I see the pain that my parents go through. I always want to ignore it and say that everything will be fine, but sometimes I’ve just become a big burden to them. It’s hard at times, but sometimes we just don’t see it. I do regret being a bad daughter but I always try my best in the end.
I don’t want to be given some medical crap to be able to live forever. To me, I believe that we are all meant to die sooner or later in life. We aren’t meant to live forever. There are some who wants to live forever, beyond their 100s, but for me, and I know it’s kind of weird, but I want to experience death. Though I won’t know what it’s like, I don’t want to live life forever. Yes, I do fear death, and am scared of it, but it’s something that is suppose to happen. Even thinking about it right now terrifies me.
For me, I believe that I do. I think more than I should. I’m one who is never able to say no. Even though it’s something that I don’t want to do, I smile and say that I’m able to do it. Even if I can’t do it, i say I can. I’m also a person that when I see someone in pain, I feel obligated to step up and do something about it. I’m probably the person who will protect a random stranger I don’t even know. Thus, leads to the person who tends to put trust in everyone. Though I find myself hardly doing it, I still wear my heart on my sleeve.
You feel that you’ve done everything you can possibly do. You’re just waiting for someone to say the word and tell you that it’s okay to move forward… Sometimes you can’t help it anymore and can’t wait any longer. I used to think that waiting will get me what I want, but after waiting for so long, I haven’t gotten anything I wanted. I hate it, but somehow it’s just the way life is. I hate waiting and I’m probably just one who would probably say, I can’t stand to wait. Just like my patience. I have no patience when it comes to waiting, especially.
There are things that you want to remember and there are things you don’t. Sometimes things you don’t want to remember, ends up being something that is always in the back of your head waiting for you to just think of it again. Then there are things that you want to remember, but somehow ends up being lost forever and you always try so hard to remember them but only get a blurry memory of them. I seriously hate it.
They say that you should keep your head above the clouds for too long. I seriously never understood this saying. I kind of still don’t, but I guess I do in a way. It’s kind of confusing but I guess it’s like saying, you can have it all for now, but you shouldn’t be too drawn to it. There is more than just this and that, there is a world filled with many more worst and better things. Sometimes we just have to stop and smell the flowers.

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