Thursday, April 21, 2011


Sometimes, we rely our faith on so many things. Sometimes, we rely on other people, God, friends, family, ourselves, words from our greatest role models, and so forth. Sometimes, we hope for it to just happen the way we want it, but sometimes it never ends up that way, because we were too skeptical on how it'll turn out. I guess that's life though, right? We want things to be perfect and turn out the way we put it on paper. What we don't realize is that sometimes, we just have to close our eyes and take a breather. We have to know that whatever is given to us, will become the right path, even though we have to work around a few obstacles and fight more battles. We'll have to deal with criticism along the way and we'll have to deal with people who will always put us down. There are people who will motivate us negatively, where we much learn to take it positively.
So, close your eyes, and aim that bow and arrow. Wherever it lands, know it's only the beginning.

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