Sunday, March 27, 2011

February Plog

what we fear most is losing the people that we love and care most about. sometimes we just don’t want to see them part from us. thus when we lose someone close to use we become different people because when they were around they completed us. we forgive the most important people to us, because we want them there wish us.

since there is already such a thing as a lost and found box, center, or what not; why not be able to be lost yet be able to be found too. Life is complicated sometimes but if you’re able to find yourself or whoever, chances are, what is lost can be found.
because we are so easily inspired by everyone around us, we sometimes don’t see that because of their individuality, they are the person they are. soon we’ll find our own individuality and surpass the greatest obstacles.

what people don’t realize is that when they have dreams they always set it aside and never remembering it. we have to put our dreams in front of us because we want to know what we are chasing after. whether old or new, we want to accomplish it all without having to worry about it in the end. we want the world to see what we are chasing after. we want to show everyone that we aren’t afraid, and we’ll take any risk there is.

those three words are the toughest words to say in the world. some people throw it around as though it is nothing. i, myself, throw those three words around without a meaning to it. to say it with passion and greatness, it’s impossible for me. truthfully, when writing this plog, the thing i thought about was, second chances. everyone deserves it, but some people don’t believe they do. it’s like saying, in what way can you say or do to let that person know you are willing to give them a second chance.

even though all i ever say is “never try and always do” but yet those words are not my very own words. i sometimes wished they were, but they aren’t. now i say i will always try no matter how hard it is just to do. i always went by the words, ‘never try and always do,’ but it got so tiring with the many mistakes.
never think that you can’t do it. know you can always do it if you try hard enough. know that no matter what if you put your effort into trying there is no doubt, you won’t be able to make it because you know you can.
make it all worth it in the end. when you look back in life you want to know that there was something that you’ve done that is worth telling your future generation. know that when you look back you know that even though you’ve wasted some times in your life, at least you were fortunate enough to have make it better in the end. it’s never to late to turn your life around for the better.
sometimes you need to question yourself why you are doing what you are doing. most importantly, you must question why you are doing what you are doing. you don’t want to waste your time too much, but waste it because you know that in the end it’ll be worth it. look at who you are chasing, why are you chasing him/her. think of what you are chasing; why are you chasing it, whether it is too far or not? it’s hard to question everything but sometimes it gives you a stronger reason to pursue it.

your dreams are all that you have when the world cannot understand you. your voice is the strongest, but your dreams are stronger. your dreams are what makes you different from every individual in the world. as you keep dreaming of your dream one day your dreams will come true.

there are inspiring words that have changed my life. my everyday motto used to be, ‘whatever happens, happens. everything happens for a reason.’ it’s true, whatever we do we do it for a reason and it only happens for a reason. my life motto is more complicated since i’m not too sure of what it is right now, but i know that as i keep living, there are going to be words that are going to be spoken that will inspire me to think differently about everything around me. there are many things that worries me, but at least i’ll know that these words have inspired me to become the person i am today and the person that i will become in the future.

everyone is a fool, no one is perfect and no one can become the president of the united states. but for a fool who has been fooled too many times, a fool who has always been a fool because that’s what the world see him/her as. a fool can become the world’s greatest person that we will one day look up upon and wonder how he/she got to where they were. it makes us wonder how it was possible for such a ‘fool’ to make it. in the end, the fool makes us a fool, but being a fool isn’t always a bad thing.
an old english teacher once told her classroom, there is no such thing as a stupid question. it’s true, because the reason we question are because we are curious. there is no crime against being curious. the more curious we are the more we see a different world. the more we see a difference in ourselves. hey, even fools asks stupid question.
walking. as you walk you notice that your left foot is in front of your right, but then your right is in front of your left. as the patterns continue, you wonder how it catches up so fast sometimes. this is something inspiring that i’ve came up with, thinking to myself as i wrote this, i figured out that there are people who are behind me and there are people in front of me. never wanting anyone to pass me and only wanting to pass others, its kind of greedy but to be at the front labels me as a leader. but then i thought, the reason why we have role models are because we want to chase them. to live their dreams as our own, but, only to make it better and make it more of our own dreams.
knowing that sometimes the one you love is always too far, or so you believe. sometimes their laughter becomes closer then you think. sometimes their smile becomes closer then you think. sometimes when you can’t do anything to make yourself closer to that someone, you smile, letting them know that no matter where you are in the world, you are closer to them then they think.
they always tell us, respect others the way you want to be respected. in other words, don’t hurt someone knowing that someday that person will hurt you. it’s difficult to know who is the one that is going to hurt you and who you are going to hurt. sometimes you just have to not hurt at all as you wait for someone else to hurt you. but you are the one that knows better. you know that just because this person hurt you, doesn’t you have to hurt them back.
you don’t know  how much you miss someone until they aren’t there with you anymore.’ sometimes we have to learn the hard way that without that person, we are unable to keep living, but will only find that out the hard way, down the road. for me, living day in and day out knowing that i haven’t seen the person that means more to me than anyone in the world for over two months now, really makes me wonder what kind of person i am. but at least i know she thinks of me the same way i think of her.
some people have to start from the beginning as other’s continue from where they are already. even though it’s hard to start from the beginning, at least we know that we won’t make the same mistakes. we know that when we start out fresh, we can look back knowing that what we did wrong can be improved in this way. it isn’t too late to start over again. it isn’t too early to start something.
if you are unable to forgive yourself, you’re only asking yourself to suffer. even though you might have a reason to never forgive yourself, at least let someone forgive you. forgive someone even if you can’t forgive yourself. i am someone that can never forgive too easily. but sometimes i let someone forgive me. i makes me feel more burden, not only to them, but to myself. i wonder why i should forgive when i was at fault, but that’s just how the world is.

this was written during one of the most stress week of my life in school. i was having a really bad meltdown and i didn’t have anyone to turn to. even so, i found people to talk to, to tell them i had a meltdown. not really knowing what it was all about, at least i got the chance to stand in the center and was given attention, even though it was for a short time. though i did not receive a hug or much words of encouragement, at least i knew who to turn to with my worries.
i am not a believe in god, but all i can say is, at least he madewomen stronger. he gave women a wiser choice. though many times we had to bite our tongues, at least one day we were going to get our chance and get the chance to speak with our voice.
i’ve been following jason ma and his 365 day of love. even though he is a religious person who loves god and gives his all for the people of the world and god. even though i am not a believe in god, i know that there is someone out there who does believe in god and able to give people comfort and help. there is someone out there who is not giving up his time, but giving his time. he is someone who really does inspire me, i too hope he will inspire you.
when you do something good for someone, you’re all smiles the whole day, have you ever noticed that? you can’t help but just tell someone what great you’ve done for someone else. even though it might not seem big too anyone else, at least you know you can have a day in your life knowing that you’ve done something you’re able to tell someone, even if it doesn’t bring a smile to them, at least that smile will stick with you for make days to come.

being easily inspired by the many people around me, i wonder what kind of person i will one day come. as i learn something new everyday about someone or something, it starts to make me more curious about the kind of person that i am. i really do inspire myself with my own words and the words of other. i always take both side of the store and collide them into one store, making no wrong or right. know that no matter what, the most simplest word/words, can become your greatest inspiration and motivation to keep moving forward.

understand why you are here. your memories are what makes you move one with them. the memories with your loved ones, your friends and family. it’s because of these memories, you have the will to keep moving forward. though these many memories are old and new, at least when you look back on them, they will not only make you smile and laugh but they’ll make you cry and happy.

when we were young, we didn’t understand the suffer our parents have gone through everyday to keep a roof over our head, clothes on our back and food on the table. i too didn’t understand their suffering until my teen years. understanding that my parents fought a war to get to where we are today. my parents came to america for a better life and better education. my parents, coming to america to give us an education and give us dreams that we know we can one day fulfill. i never understood it, but i do now. thus is why i respect my culture, my tradition, and my ethnic. being hmong doesn’t mean i am just different but also that i have a story to tell.
we all need a break from life. a break from reality. a break from everything. but like i’ve told my cousin, what we really need is a break from the people around us. because of these people we want this break from reality and life. that’s why i believe, that if ever possible, for just a day, an hour or whatever, we can find a place to isolate ourselves, and keep quiet for just that moment, we’ll be able to go back to being the normal person we were before what crazy thing happened.
i am a person who judge people easily, and i always tell people that i am a judger. i also tell people that i don’t like them and that one day i’ll have to wonder if i’ll ever like you. even if you look at me, it may seem like i like you and i’m all smiles, but truthfully, i am someone who thinks deeply about the people that come into my life. thus, i have a hard time accepting people and trusting people. i don’t trust a lot of people, i don’t even trust a lot of people in my family. there are just a small select few. i do not even trust my best friend. the reason is because i was a person that gave trust to everyone, easily. i was an easy person to fool and that’s why everyone wanted that trust from me. those people soon became the people who threw my trust in the trash as i was watching. not a lot of people know this, but this is the real me. this just this plog, you can learn a lot about me. i am a person that cannot be easily fool. there are a lot of things that occurred in my life, where i cannot even accept it yet, though i should, but i cannot. people say that you just have to accept, because it’s already happened. true it has already happened, but never being told, never being warned, nothing. i am a person who has trust issue. i am a person who judge easily. I am a person who do not like anyone i meet. i’m like a stump that needs to be grown upon, like mushroom. this is just the kind of person i am, and a lot of people do base our relationship based on this.
men and women may be different in many ways, but at least we are the same in many ways. we know how to love and hate. we know how to share and care. we know when the other is struggling and that there is a right time to be there. God made us no different from each other. you believe what you want, but truthfully, we as human, men and women, we both have the same amount of responsibilities.

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